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Zotero workshop

3.1 Insert in-text citation in your manuscript

Open your text writer

Paste on it some Lorem Ipsum text

In this text, try to randomly insert the citations you have collected in your collection ("Zotero workshop")

As soon as you see that something is getting wrong,tell us so that we could help you.

3.2 Which style to choose ?

Far too many bibliographic styles exist in the Academia. It's a pity but you have to deal with it.

Choosing your style is an essential step when you write your text. The choice depends on the goal of your work.

  • If you are writing an article for a scientific journal, your editor waves strict formatting requirements (you will find it in the writing guidelines)

Example : if you want to publish in Acta Crystallographica Section A, you must conform to  journal's requirements.

Fortunately, Zotero users have created the corresponding CSL style.

  • if you are writing your thesis, without further requirement from your thesis supervisor, you must choose an authoritative style in your domain

Example : IEEE style for a thesis in electronics

  • you may otherwise use Afnor standard for french bibliography (ISO-690 french author date no abstract)

--> choose a style you will use for this exercise

Zotero comes with only a few bibliographic styles set by default : 12 are already available in the "Gear" menu > Preferences > "Cite" tab.

Many more are available to download by clicking the link Get Additional Styles..

Select the style ISO-690 french  and click the install link. The style ISO-690 french will then appear in your style lists in your library.

Note that your choice is not permanent. You can easily change the selected style in one click.

It's possible to improve an existing CSL style to match your expectations. You will have to know CSL editing format.


3.3 Edit a bibliography using insert citations in your word processor

Once you have inserted all your citations, you will be able to edit your bibliography.

Put your cursor where you want to insert your bibliography and click the "insert bibliography" button in the Zotero toolbar.

The bibliography containing all your cited references should appear.