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Google scholar, standing on the shoulders of giants: Results

Presentation of the results

What information can you find?

      - the title in the form of a hypertext link

      - the name of the author(s)

      - an extract of the document

      - the source (name of the publication), and the date

Source: JMaz Photo,CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

What additional information is provided?

- the number of citations pointing to the document (no web link but citation of one document inside another)

- the forwarding to other similar documents: "Other articles"

- the version of the document at the time of its indexation by the engine: "Cached"

- different versions of the document


On the left side of your results page a list of facets is displayed, allowing you to sort the results.

You can choose to:

- consult the most recent results, or published in a given period

- sort the results by relevance (default) or by date

- consult only pages in French

- include or exclude patents and citations

- create an alert

Access to the full text

4 types of documents

- link to a bibliographic reference, giving access, at least, to the abstract of the article

- direct link to the full text (open archives): [doc], [pdf]

- [CITATION]: citation in an article

- [BOOK]: access to the full text is rare, but it is possible to locate the book in a library

If your library has a link resolver, you can directly access the full text of the journals to which it subscribes.

If this is not the case, use Google Scholar via the ENT of your institution. You will be recognized as a student and will have access to the full text of the article.

Create an alert

Google Scholar, like Google, proposes an alert system. This service is not available as a RSS feed, only by email.

You just need to run a search for a subject, an author or a journal, then click in the facets, on the envelope "Create an alert" to save this search equation. You will receive new references responding to your subject in your mailbox. You have access to all your alerts from the home page, in the "Alerts" tab.