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Google scholar, standing on the shoulders of giants: Search interfaces

Simple search

When you access Google Scholar, a simple search is proposed by default. As in Google, you can type your keywords in the one search box. The default operator used is "AND". The search can be done on the whole Web, or pages in French only.

The search is performed in the entire text using natural language. Consider searching with synonyms.


You can globally configure Google Scholar by customizing:

- presentation and export format of the results


- language for Google messages and searches


- links to 5 libraries, in order to check the availability of the results in their collections.



Google scholar settings

Advanced search

The advanced search allows you to combine several criteria and specify your request more precisely.

What features are offered?

- search for an exact phrase, by excluding a term (Boolean "NOT"), or by searching for one or the other of the terms (Boolean "OR")

- search in the complete text of the article, or in the title only

- search by author

- search in a publication

- search by date