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Alert services: Alert

Alert parameters

  • Frequency at which results are to be received (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).
  • Data received: bibliographic references, abstracts, key words, link to source, etc.
  • Alert result format: short format, detailed format, bibliographic formats (Endnote), etc.
  • Message format: text, html, RSS, etc.
  • Expiry date

    Example: setting an alert from Cairn

    Start by registering. Click on "Sign Up!" to create an account or and/or log on using your login and password.

    Setting up an RSS feed search alert

    • Run a search. Go to the Advanced Search section and enter a query.
    • On the Results page, click on: "RSS feed".
    • Insert the feed in an RSS feed aggregator.

    Setting up a Table of Contents (ToC) alert

    • Go to "My Cairninfo" / My alerts
    • Select the journal(s) from which you wish to receive updates.
    • Every time a new issue is released you will be emailed the ToC.

    Setting up a database search alert

    The steps:

    1. Select a source that has an alert service, for example the Web of Science database or the ScienceDirect platform.
    2. Register or create a profile/an account: enter your email address and perhaps some personal information, and select a password.
    3. Understand how to query the database. For example, identify the fields that can be queried.
    4. Run a few queries and assess the relevance of the results.
    5. If necessary, modify your query.
    6. Set the query as an alert and configure the latter (see parameters).

    Example: setting up an alert on ScienceDirect

    • Register by clicking on Register now.
    • Log on using your login and password.
    • Run a search: click on the "Search" tab and enter a query.
    • On the Results page, click on: Save a Search Alert.
    • Give the alert a name and specify its frequency.
    • You can modify or delete an alert via the alert list that is accessible under the "My alerts" tab.